cushion bag 大
¥8,250 税込
エアバックの元の形をそのまま活かした円型の形状のBAG。 しっかりしたスチール製のダブルファスナーでショルダーベルトには同シリーズの「bundle」シートベルトにdulaflexアルミパーツを組み合わせたベルトが使われ、カラビナが2つ付属しています。 シンプルな袋状なのでスポーツやキャンプなどで多くの荷物をガサッと入れてしまえる。またシュラフやブランケット、大判のタオルやウェアなどで膨らみを出せばクッションとして使用していただけます。 個人用のレジャーシート代わりに使っても◎。
material: nylon 100%
size: 直径約520mm
col: navy×navy
※ ベルト、刺繍の色はアソートになります。
A BAG that becomes a cushion!
This circular shaped BAG utilizes the original shape of an airbag. It has a solid steel double zipper, a shoulder belt made of dulaflex aluminum parts combined with the "bundle" seat belt from the same series, and two carabiners are included. The simple bag shape makes it easy to carry a lot of stuff in a jiffy for sports, camping, etc. It can also be used as a sleeping bag, a blanket, or a bag for a small bag. It can also be used as a cushion by inflating it with a shrug, blanket, large towel, or clothing. It can also be used as a leisure sheet for personal use.
material: 100% nylon
size: diameter 520mm
col: navy×navy
The colors of the belt and embroidery are assorted.
Made of recycled nylon from discarded car airbags that have been cleaned and dyed.
The raw thread of nylon used for airbags is called "66 nylon", which has high opportunity strength, is very lightweight, and is resistant to friction.
Due to the large number of new cars manufactured and sold each year, approximately 3.5 million vehicles are disposed of annually in Japan. The recycling rate of Japanese automobiles is said to be in the latter half of 90%. On the other hand, airbags and seatbelts are so robust and specially made that it is difficult to reuse them for something else, and unfortunately, many of them are discarded.
We hope to contribute to the effort to reduce waste as much as possible.